As most of you know, my blog Newlywed and Newly Cooking has been up and running since February of this year. When I started blogging, I had been married for 4 months and was just starting to get serious about making real meals. I was afraid that I messed up almost everything that I tried to make. Most of my cooking sessions ended and I felt frazzled and exhausted and I barely had the energy to eat (and I would go so slow it was usually 10pm by the time we sat down, anyway!).
Well, although less than a year has gone by, I am feeling much more comfortable in the kitchen. While I'll always be a newlywed at heart (1st anniversary is in less than a month!), I know I won't consider myself a novice chef much longer. It was because of this that I decided to shake things up a bit and change over my blog. As someone who keeps a kosher home, I always had to double check the ingredients of any recipe I found on other blogs or websites to see if it could work for me, or if it was easily adjusted. I wanted to make sure my readers knew that if they kept kosher, they can make anything I post without any adjustments.
While I happen to keep kosher, I don't think that the recipes I post speak only to kosher households. I believe that anything I post can be made in whatever kitchen you're in, no matter what your religious beliefs are. With the exception of maybe a holiday-specific recipe or two.....I will say that I'd love to hear if any non-Jews out there make my grandma's gefilte fish!
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Congrats on the new blog!